“Electro Chaabi” is Hussein Sherbini`s debut album. He released it in May 2015 at Vent, a music venue in Cairo. The album title is no more than a "publicity stunt," as Sherbini explains in this interview with Cairo-based critic Rami Abadir. The sound is very different from the increasingly popular genre, but also from Sherbini`s earlier work. In this interview, Sherbini discusses how he experiments and "chases" different sound ideas to build his music tracks. From announcements at Cairo`s main train station to a recording of a message by a customer service agent at a telecom company, the sounds in “Electro Chaabi” are unique and intriguing. Sherbini also uses a variety of instruments, analog synthesizers, and custom-made microphones in his music.
In addition to producing his own music, sound design, and visuals, Sherbini co-founded Epic 101 Studios in Cairo, and is part of WETROBOTS.
The interview is in Arabic and has English subtitles.
[This video was produced by Medrar TV and is featured in partnership with Jadaliyya Culture]